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AccueilActualitésMach1 answer to fast truing with 2 wrenches : FT2W

Mach1 answer to fast truing with 2 wrenches : FT2W


Mach1 answer to fast truing with 2 wrenches : FT2W

It’s more an evolution than a revolution, T2W and T2Wsa  have merged in one only model FT2W : the fastest 2 wrench machine in the market. To improve speed, FT2W is using the same motors controller range than FT3W series. 
FT2W is now including automatic diameter adjustment and is prepared for new e-hub clamp option.  It supports also the other options of previous T2W series such as stabilization, Fat Wheel capability or screen on swivel arm.
Last but not least the price keeps remains the same as than the former simple T2W.
Main features 
  • Range : 12” to 29”
  • Automatic loading and unloading of the wheel.
  • Semi-automatic change-over through selection from the list of stored wheels (200).
  • Display of actual side/side, up/down and offset values by direct measurement on the rim.
  • Configurable spoke tightening cycle before truing with adjustable torque value.
  • High efficiency and improved throughput
  • Reduced costs of ownership
  • Easy maintenance thanks to use of standard commercial components.