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AccueilActualitésMach 1 Machinery keeps pace with exhibitions shifting dates

Mach 1 Machinery keeps pace with exhibitions shifting dates


Mach 1 Machinery keeps pace with exhibitions shifting dates

For exhibitions also, times are changing.
On one side, the Internet is a very fast, efficient and reduced cost source of information for customers, on the other side companies closely look at their expenses and have some difficulties to measure returns on the significant investment exhibitions require.
Fair organizers in the cycle industry, as it is the case in other businesses, struggle to attract exhibitors and visitors. Playing on an international market, they need to take into account what happens in other countries and on other continents. Shanghai, for example, added another event in Asia, where Taiwan used to be the only place to host bicycle exhibitions.
In 2018, Mach 1 participated in CFOSE India in March, Shanghai show in May, Eurobike in July , Interbike in September and Taipei Cycle in October. It implied a lot of paperwork to ship machines back and forth and involved our people worldwide, from India to China to France.
This year, Taipei Cycle scheduled back to its original date in March, less than 6 months after its preceding edition. Nevertheless, Mach 1 Machinery decided to participate in the 2019 event because we still believe that our customers value our presence and the possibility to check our latest equipment in operation during demonstrations. As some visitors had skipped the 2018 show, they were expecting to meet with us this year.
Besides the sales team, our technical experts are also available on the booth to discuss customer needs and recommend the most efficient equipment. Mach 1 Machinery were also present in India last March and in China last May with the new MAT manual truing bench as a world premiere.
Mach1 will exhibit again at the biggest international cycle fair, come to :
Friedrichshafen, Germany
Hall 6, Booth 210

28 FEV – 01 MARCH 2020 I CFOSE
Ludhiana, India

Taipei; Taiwan
06-09 MAY 2020 I China Cycle
Shanghai, China